I have been living with my parents for the last week and a half because the lease in my old house was up on July 1st and my new condo isn't ready until July 19th. So, that means back to the parents for two weeks! Anyway, this week I started my back-to-school shopping and started to get organized for next year. Since I am going to be in second grade next year, I want to change how I organize my classroom materials. Last year my kiddos had binders; however, I know that will NOT work for my little second graders.
Instead, I will have baskets with their work folders in them. I am so excited because I found them at the Dollar Store and they had many different colors to choose from!
For my kiddos next year, they will have baskets for Daily 5, Writer's Workshop, and possibly Math. I'm still trying to decide what other subjects I may need their baskets for. In those baskets, will go their work folders. I really wish I did this last year, especially for Daily 5 because many times my students did not finish their work and had the papers all over their desk! So, for next year, they will have a Daily 5 folder and a section for unfinished work, and another section for their response sheets.
Stephanie from Third Grade Thoughts has amazing accountability worksheets that I used last year. It really helped my kiddos stay focused during Daily 5.
I will also be using my baskets for students Writer's Workshop notebooks. I have been doing a lot of research this summer on Writer's Workshop. I've been reading Amanda Nickerson's Launching Writer's Workshop pack for some more ideas for craft lessons and organization. One of my goals this year is to improve my Writer's Workshop block.
Once I get into my new condo, I will be doing more posts of how I organize my materials and some creative ideas that I will be working on to get me ready for the new school year. We don't start until August 19th, so I still have a lot of time to get ready!
On a side note, I'm not sure if there are any Giants fans out there, but Tim Lincecum pitched a NO HITTER last night at their game with the Padres! I was with some friends at an Irish Pub for a girls night out, and while I was there,I was watching the game. Toward the end, the pub was going CRAZY for Lincecum's no hitter game! Let's go GIANTS!!