I talked a little bit in my Currently about implementing CAFE into my classroom this year. I've been researching this summer about CAFE and how it helps students with comprehension. Now, I need to connect it with my school's ELA curriculum, which is a little challenging. I started planning the comprehension, now I need to work on accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary. I LOVE teaching vocabulary and my students did an amazing job last year with my GLAD vocabulary charts. We also did a lot of fluency by doing 1 minute daily fluency practices. What I need to do is connect the CAFE strategies to the various comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency activities in my class. I'm going into my classroom next week, and I think that once I put it all together and start using the CAFE strategies with the curriculum, it will be a lot easier.I'll do a post as soon as I get my focus walls up! This will be my first year using CAFE, so I will be blogging about my first year Daily CAFE journey :)
Now, for the B2S essentials! I REALLY need more storage containers for my math and ELA activities. Amanda Nickerson did a post about how she organized her classroom activities and supplies. This gave me a lot of ideas about how I need to organize a lot of my activities. Over the past year, I have collected a lot of supplemental activities for teaching ELA and math. I want a better way to keep the activities organized.
Also, with my apple and tree theme for my class, I need to work on my classroom decor!
Lastly, I need a paper cutter for my classroom. I was fortunate enough to be working next to Dani from It's Grow Time. With her now back in Southern Cali, I need to invest in buying my own.
So, my goals for the remainder of the summer: complete my long-term planning for ELA and math, set up classroom jobs, plan my focus walls, and finish connecting CAFE to the ELA curriculum. There are 3 weeks left! I think I can do it :)