I started doing a lot with my dance company. I started dancing 3 days a week and started doing tap again.
I'm the tapper in the pink sweater! This is my Golden Girls tap routine. It was hilarious!!
Also, in November, my commute went from 10 minutes, to over 30 minutes each way. By the time I got home...I was exhausted. In addition to moving, we also got an adorable puppy, Trigger. He is just a bundle of joy!
In addition to everything else, I had a death in my family. Around September, my Nana started to become very ill. She passed this past November. Here is a picture of my Nana, Papa, and me when I was just born.
But, within everything that happened this year, I also had some beautiful additions. Such as my wonderful niece, Emma Fay who is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen!
So, here is my currently for June!
I am going to try and do some posts about the different units and strategies I have been doing this year that are amazing. I've been trying to use some Common Core strategies that were very successful with my class.